Preaching part 3 of our Bethel Franklin CROSS TALK (what Jesus said on the cross) series tomorrow.

TEXT. Luke 23:43 “Today you will be with me in paradise.”

CONTEXT. Luke 23:39–49


“today” – criminal was probably surprised his request was granted so fast

“paradise” – 3 times in NT (Luke 23, 1 Corinthians 12, Revelations 2), picture of heaven


3 men – 3 crosses

2 guilty men – 1 innocent man (according to Pilot, Herod, criminal #2, and centurion)

1 guilty man mocks – 1 guilty man asks for help

3 bodies die – 3 souls live

3 bodies stay on the cross – 3 souls cross from earth to eternity

1 soul goes immediately to paradise with Jesus—the other does not


vs 45 “curtain of the temple was torn in two”

vs 49 “all those who KNEW him, including women who had FOLLOWED him . . . STOOD AT A DISTANCE”

some who KNOW him and FOLLOWED him still stand at a DISTANCE

the curtain is torn, time to come near