Parenting is a tough job, with lots of tough decisions. Here are 3 big decisions that will affect our kids for the rest of their lives—for better or for worse.

1. Names and nicknames. Remember that kid with the weird name, that everyone laughed at when the teacher called roll? Do you want that to be your kid? If not, then you better name your children for them, not for you. It may sound cute now, but what about 15 or 30 years from now? (And, please don’t give a boy a girl’s name. There’s already enough gender confusion out there.)

2. Church. Attend a church your children will love, even if you don’t like the music or the pastor. Too many parents drag their kids to churches they like, but their kids hate. Bad move.

3. Education. Forget the “educating kids God’s way” seminar; there is not just one “Christian” choice. Public, private, or homeschool—I have seen all three succeed and fail—depends on the child and the parents and the school district. You have to figure out what is best for your family. Make this choice prayerfully. Failure here is huge.

What are some other big parenting decisions?